
The site is a work in progress. The idea for the site is to provide useful information for travelers. If you are thinking about going to one of the places are travel group has gone to, hopefully, we will be able to provide you with some insight into places to visit or maybe cities that you might want to cover within a country. We are always in search of new experiences great coffee and great food. We will try to provide you with a list of places to go once you have arrived at your destination. Everyone has their own style of travel. When you read someone else’s travel blog, it is most helpful when your style matches theirs. So, here is how our days usually go. We believe in a middle of the road approach when it comes to organizing your day. That means we don’t have every hour of the day mapped out and we also don’t wake up with no idea what to do…usually. We are somewhere in between. There may be an occasional reservation made if there is time but often it is the best place we can find at the time. There is usually a lot of planning before the trip to generate places to see and eat. We come up with lists that can never be completed. That way, if it is raining or something is closed we have a few more options without being disappointed. We hope you find the information to be useful. Enjoy your travels.